In an era of shaken investor confidence in both the markets and financial advice, advisors need to:
- deliver tangible value to clients, and quantify it
- help clients overcome behavioural barriers
- use systems to deliver compliant, always-improving best practices
- focus on win-win opportunities
- live and breathe a client-first focus
Client-First, Business-Building Systems
To address these issues, Talbot's current focus is developing "client-first, business-building systems", initially around the following platforms:
- Increase Investment Savings
- Maximize Your RRSP Strategy
- Leveraging 2.0: Win-Win Wealth Acceleration
While improving financial literacy is a good start, merely being aware of good ideas is clearly not sufficient. We need to innovate, package and deliver behavioural solutions that improve clients' personal finances.

Lessons from behavioural finance and motivational theory need to deliver practical financial strategies in ways that cause individuals to ACT.
Effective business-building systems also need to address behavioural barriers on the advisor side as well, to make it easier to help clients ACT in ways that benefit them, and in turn, grow the advisor's business. This is especially true for large sales forces where a single, small improvement in the client process can produce significant benefits for business and clients.
Contact us to learn more about implementing these "client-first, business-building systems" for your organization, by calling 519-663-2252 or 1-866-231-2721, or emailing