Contact: Talbot Stevens

January 27, 2014

Phone: (519) 663-2252

New Personal Finance Book Guaranteed to Benefit

London, ON: While there are many personal finance books that might help you improve your finances, almost none guarantee they will benefit you. In a bold move to encourage Canadians to learn strategies of the rich, Talbot Stevens has done just that. His new book, The Smart Debt Coach: Secrets of the Rich to Increase Your Wealth and Security, is guaranteed to benefit readers at least $1,000, or it can be returned for a full refund.

"In today's finance-everything society, how you think about and use debt is foundational to your financial success," says Stevens. "With many Canadians dealing with record-high debt levels and underfunded retirement plans, The Smart Debt Coach provides valuable and timely strategies to help reduce bad debt, increase savings, and improve investment returns."

Written in the novel, storyline approach of The Wealthy Barber, the book addresses more than how to be more effective with both bad debt and good debt. The Smart Debt Coach introduces several new ideas to help Canadians build wealth more effectively, including:

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Talbot Stevens is a speaker and author of The Smart Debt Coach. His first books Financial Freedom Without Sacrifice and Dispelling the Myths of Borrowing to Invest have sold almost a quarter of a million copies. For more information, contact Talbot Stevens, by calling (519) 663-2252, or emailing

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