How Pasta Can Increase Your RRSP Income 25-100%

What does pasta have to do with RRSPs?

Talbot Stevens' new book, The Smart Debt Coach, uses the catchy concept of dry pasta to help you understand a better way to a comfortable retirement.

Ellen Roseman, Toronto Star personal finance and consumer columnist

When investing in RRSPs, understanding the difference between before-tax and after-tax dollars can increase the size of your retirement fund by 25-100%. It's such a poorly understood concept that David Chilton added it to his latest book The Wealthy Barber Returns, and it's one of the "can't lose" strategies in Talbot Stevens' new book The Smart Debt Coach.

RRSP Pasta Question

In a 50% tax bracket with $1,000 after taxes to invest, how much could you (and should you) contribute to your RRSP?

If you're not sure of the answer, learn about this overlooked opportunity to increase your retirement funds by 25-100% in this free 6-page sample chapter of The Smart Debt Coach. Then use the free RRSP Gross Up calculator to find out how much you could increase your RRSP contribution.

"The Gross Up strategy converts the after-tax amount available to invest into the equivalent, before-tax amount in your RRSP." -- The Smart Debt Coach

RRSP Gross Up Calculator

Need Help?

If you're not sure of your tax bracket, or need help with one of the two ways to Gross Up your RRSP contribution by 25-100%, contact your financial advisor. This is one of the 5 RRSP Refund Strategies available when investing in RRSPs.

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