Book: The Smart Debt Coach

In today's finance-everything society, how you think about and use debt is foundational to your financial success. With many Canadians dealing with record-high debt levels and underfunded retirement plans, The Smart Debt Coach provides valuable and timely strategies to help reduce bad debt, increase savings, and improve investment returns.
Using an engaging storyline approach, you'll learn secrets of the rich to increase your wealth and security. Some ideas you'll benefit from include:
- Why you shouldn't put dry pasta in your RRSP
- Two NEW, commonsense strategies for cautious investors to outperform the market
- Earn guaranteed returns of 25% or more
- Over 12 Smart Debt strategies, including several "can't lose" concepts like how to turn 'bad debt' into 'good debt'
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Apply even some of this book's teachings and you'll owe its author a debt of gratitude. And that's smart debt!
Dave Chilton, "The Wealthy Barber"
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I spent my RRSP refunds until Talbot Stevens showed me the math on reinvesting them. Now he's written a book that uses the catchy concept of dry pasta to help you understand a better way to a comfortable retirement.
Ellen Roseman, Toronto Star personal finance and consumer columnist, author and adult education instructor

Do pick up this easy-to-read book to reduce bad debts to increase cash flow for investing. It will coach you to improve savings through smart debt management.
Evelyn Jacks, President of Knowledge Bureau, author of Jacks on Tax and Essential Tax Facts

Talbot provides great insights into prudent wealth creation. His entertaining style will leave you with valuable strategies that are easy to understand, remember and implement - all with the help of a financial "coach." Two thumbs up!
Blake C.Goldring, CEO, AGF Management Ltd.

The Smart Debt Coach should be mandatory reading in classrooms across Canada. A must read if you want to use the secrets of the rich to create your own financial independence.
Mark Huber, Financial advisor, author, and coach

Written in the story-telling style as The Wealthy Barber, The Smart Debt Coach is easy to read and full of great actionable advice for Canadians who want to get ahead financially.
Sheila Walkington, Co-Author of UNSTUCK: How to Get Out of Your Money Rut and Start Living the Life You Want

Talbot Stevens is one of Canada's known experts on investment debt and personal investments. If you are thinking of borrowing to invest, you definitely want to be aware of the pros as well as the cons. This book is a great place to start learning and Talbot makes it fun!
Moshe A. Milevsky, Ph.D. York University Professor, and author

The Smart Debt Coach is a must read for all financial advisors and investors who want to maximize their clients' or their own personal retirement plan.
Domenic Presutti, Great-West Life

Talbot Stevens' new book addresses important financial concepts and simplifies them in a unique, real-life format that is easy for anyone to understand. A fantastic book to read before meeting with your financial advisor!
Dave Velanoff, President, Velanoff Group Inc.
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Don't Put Dry Pasta in Your RRSP
To learn more about why you should never put dry pasta in your RRSP, and how to Gross Up your RRSP contributions by 25 to 85%,
click here.
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